Jackaroo Pie (aka Shepherd’s Pie)

5 Feb

I grew up in a traditional Australian household in the 80’s and so we ate a lot of British-influenced dishes, such as stews, roast dinners, and Shepherd’s Pie. If you haven’t had Shepherd’s Pie before, it is a combination of veggies and meat in one hearty dish and it is similar to a pie but with no pastry crust.

Whilst I am now more adventurous in my food choices, I still enjoy those dishes that I was raised on. I was recently flicking through my brand new delicious magazine (thanks Mum and Dad for the subscription!) when I stumbled upon a recipe for Jackaroo Pie (a lamb version of Shepherd’s Pie). When I saw that the second ingredient was Vegemite a wave of nostalgia (and Aussie pride) washed over me and I vowed to make that recipe.

The pie had a great depth of flavour, mostly due to the combination of ketchup, Vegemite, Worcestershire sauce, and stock. I did, however, find the mixture too wet. I had to drain some of the mixture out of the stock before putting it into the pie dish and yet it was still wet. Next time, I’d try only 1 cup of stock first and see how that goes. Also, my mashed potato top didn’t brown up as much as I’d hoped so next time I will finish it under the broiler. Besides those minor changes, the pie was the perfect comfort dish for a cold and wet winter’s day.

*If you are wanting to try this recipe and you live in Vancouver, you can get Vegemite at some IGA stores and Nester’s Markets.

Jackaroo Pie by Matt Preston – Serves 4

1/4 cup olive oil
500g lamb mince
2 teaspoon Vegemite
1 large onion, finely chopped
6 springs onions, thinly sliced, white and green parts separated
1 1/4 cups frozen peas
2 tablespoons tomato sauce (ketchup)
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
2 cups (500ml) chicken stock
1 1/2 cups warm mashed potato
1/2 cup grated parmesan
Butter for putting on the top

Preheat the oven to 180C.

Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a saucepan over a medium heat. Increase the heat to medium-high. Add the lamb mince and cook, breaking up any lumps with a wooden spoon, for 3 to 4 minutes until browned. Stir in the Vegemite. Transfer the lamb to a bowl and set aside.

Reduce the heat to medium and add the remaining 1 tablespoon of oil. Add the onion and the white part of the spring onion. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes until softened. Mix in the peas, ketchup, and Worcestershire sauce, and stir thoroughly to combine. Return the lamb to the pan and add the stock. Stir to combine and season. Mix the green spring onions through the warmed mashed potato.

Divide the lamb mixture among four 2 cup (500ml) ramekins or place in a 2 L pie dish, then top with the mashed potato and parmesan. Pattern mash with a fork and top with little dabs of butter. Bake for 20 minutes or until the top is nicely browned. Serve immediately.Recipe from February 2013 issue of delicious. magazine.

3 Responses to “Jackaroo Pie (aka Shepherd’s Pie)”

  1. OwlMcCloud February 5, 2013 at 1:57 pm #

    Looks sooo good!!

  2. roodonfood February 5, 2013 at 4:52 pm #

    Never tried vegemite. I’ll give this a go. Great post and pictures.

    I wrote recently about a my own variation, using Chinese 5 Spice: http://roodonfood.wordpress.com/2013/01/18/shepherds-pie-with-chinese-5-spice-gluten-free/

  3. greedyguts February 5, 2013 at 11:09 pm #

    Roodonfood – this would be a great introduction to Vegemite as it is quite subtle. Whatever you do, don’t slather a big scoop on toast! That is the fastest way to hate it!

    OwlMcCloud – it really was! Looking to perfect it now, but overall, I was happy with it.

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